


Ginseng tea: 5 benefits of this healthy beverage

New Delhi, March 20 -- Tea is not just a mere beverage. It is an emotion that can instantly make you feel better. With every sip of tea, you can forget about life's problems and escape into a world of... Read More

How to do mermaid pose and 7 benefits of this Eka Pada Rajakapotasana variation

New Delhi, March 20 -- The mermaid pose is a variation of the one-legged king pigeon pose, also known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana in Sanskrit. This pose is perfect for those who want to deepen their ba... Read More

Best rosemary oil for silky and smooth hair: Top 5 picks!

New Delhi, March 19 -- Rosemary oil is becoming increasingly popular due to its potential for improving hair health. The anti-inflammatory ingredients in this oil help to soothe the scalp, reduce dand... Read More

Soybean oil can boost your hair growth! Know 5 reasons why and 4 ways to use it

New Delhi, March 19 -- Soybeans are the second-largest source of vegetable oil in the world and are high in protein. Health enthusiasts also know that soybean oil has nutritional advantages that can l... Read More

Beeswax is the secret home remedy for hair growth you must try!

New Delhi, March 18 -- Beeswax has been known for its hair benefits since ancient times. The Chinese have also used it for ages in cosmetics and beauty rituals. Beeswax contains antioxidants that prot... Read More

Best hand grip strengtheners to improve hand strength: 5 picks for you!

New Delhi, March 18 -- You must maintain a firm grasp on the bars, rods, and other exercise equipment while working out to avoid injuries. Therefore, practicing hand grips is always a smart idea if yo... Read More

Best soy milk brands in India: 5 top choices if you're vegan or lactose intolerant

New Delhi, March 17 -- Milk is a highly nutritious food that offers numerous health benefits. However, regular cow or buffalo milk may not be suitable for individuals who follow a vegan diet. This is ... Read More

Best leave-in conditioner for wavy hair: 5 must-try!

New Delhi, March 17 -- conJust like your skin, your hair also needs a hydrating moisturiser to lock in the moisture and give your hair some shine. One of the best hair products you can use is a leave-... Read More

5 ways to add spinach to your routine to promote hair growth

New Delhi, March 16 -- If you're looking for a natural and effective way to promote hair growth and keep your locks healthy, you should consider adding spinach to your daily regimen. Spinach is a leaf... Read More

6 must-try resistance band exercises for women to get rid of back pain

New Delhi, March 16 -- Resistance band exercises are a great option for people who want a strong and toned back. They not only help improve your posture but also ease discomfort. Resistance bands come... Read More